
Senin, 02 April 2018

Celebrating Kartini Day, we invite you to make handmade gift for your 'Kartini' heroes . . . Let's make together CUSHION COV...

Doodle workshop with LeevenAndCo

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Celebrating Kartini Day, we invite you to make handmade gift for your 'Kartini' heroes

Let's make together CUSHION COVER DOODLING with dinART as she will teach how to develope your mind and ideas into a creative doodle.

Saturday, 21 April 2017
Little Tokyo
Pakuwon Mall level 2M
IDR 175K (Include cushion, tools, dessert and shopping voucher from Leeven & Co.)

These class is open for teens & adults (12+)

Call us now and grow your creativity !
WA : 087.851.711117
Line : @leevenco 

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